Dec 01, 2024
If there only was a way to create impressive JavaScript animations easily and without having to worry about browser compatibility… oh wait, there is one! Or perhaps more than one. Today, you’ll see how to develop such animations with the GreenSock Animation Platform, or GSAP. Why did I choose this one? How does it really work? What can it do for you? Let’s find out.
Software Developer
Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Have you ever worked on a project which required you to create complex animations in a JavaScript application that relies on frequent user interactions?
I just have. Today I’m going to tell you more about a tool that made this experience much more interesting.
The challenge
My latest experience with JavaScript animations came about when one of our clients asked my team to develop a new feature for their highly secure application. It was supposed to be something akin to a lock screen.
If you ever used a banking application in your life, you definitely recognize the screen that shows up when you are logged out of your session due to a period of inactivity.
This one worked much like that, except for one small detail.
The difference was that instead of being logged out entirely, you get a lock screen with an option to go back to the app by writing your PIN number.
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